
Kvitlen tourist cabin in Ørsdalen

Kvitlen in Bjerkreim is a very popular hiking destination for many. With a brand new and large cabin from the Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT), the location is perfect for both day trips and as a starting point for longer cabin-to-cabin hikes, where you can continue on to Støle, Tomannsbu, Hunnedalen, or Sirdal.

Kvitlen is an old mountain farm that was inhabited from the Middle Ages until 1935. The trails follow old cart roads, taking you through beautiful areas with mountains and forests. The cabin is new and modern, and has had several thousand visitors since opening in 2015.

To get to the DNT cabin at Kvitlen, there are two possible starting points in Bjerkreim. Either park just after the Ørsdal Tunnel and hike approximately 9 km in hilly terrain, or drive further and park in Bjordal for a shorter but steeper 5 km hike. From the parking lot in Bjordal, you can also follow a marked trail to the mountain Bjordalsstolen if you wish to explore the area further.

4389 Vikeså